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Candidates and Search

Boolean & X-Ray Search

Search smarter, not harder! Use Recruitify’s powerful tools to search by skills, keywords, Boolean commands, and recruitment project activity. You can dive deep into your candidate database, utilizing CVs and profile data, but it doesn’t stop there. With our X-Ray search feature, you can even scan external social networks for top talent. Recruitify presents all this data clearly and intuitively, making your search for the perfect candidate faster than ever.

Did you blink? That's how quickly you can find your next great hire.


Take control of your data with Recruitify's smart labeling system. Whether it's tagging candidates, projects, or companies, our system helps you categorize your most important information efficiently. Never worry about losing track of key details again - Recruitify keeps everything organized and easily accessible.

Your candidate database is your most valuable resource. Optimize it with Recruitify.

Filter questions

Confident that you've found the right candidate? With Recruitify’s filter questions, you can be sure. Create customized questions through our easy-to-use forms and apply them directly to job postings or send them via email at any stage of the recruitment process. All responses are seamlessly integrated into the candidate’s profile.

Have you found the right candidate? Double-check with Recruitify.

History of Communication

Every interaction with your candidates leaves a footprint in Recruitify. Thanks to seamless integration with your email services and calendars, all communication history is automatically recorded and stored in the candidate’s profile. Easily search through messages by keywords or recruitment projects to keep everything in check.

Recruitify keeps your candidate communication organized—you'll never miss a beat.
Create and manage candidate profiles. Trace the entire history of your interaction and communication with a given candidate. Our advanced search engine makes finding the perfect candidate (or client!) even easier. Sounds interesting? Get in touch with us and start with Recruitify.

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contact us contact@recruitify.ai or call us +48 601 335 335