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Team Productivity

How effective is your team in executing sales or recruitment tasks? With Recruitify's reporting tools, you can easily assess whether your specialists are maximizing every opportunity in their projects. Even if things are going well, there’s always room for improvement.

Take your team’s productivity to the next level with Recruitify!

Sources of candidates

Where do your best candidates come from? Recruitify’s reporting tools reveal which sources are the most effective for candidate acquisition, helping you refine and optimize your recruitment efforts for better results.

Let Recruitify guide you to the best candidate sources and elevate your search.

Sales funnel

What does your sales process look like from the initial client interaction to closing the deal? Recruitify breaks down every step, helping you understand the journey and offering solutions to build stronger relationships with your clients.

Stay on top of your sales funnel with Recruitify - never miss a beat!

Activity in projects

Who completed what tasks in your recruitment and sales projects? What were the outcomes? Recruitify tracks every action, ensuring that nothing important slips through the cracks.

Everything running smoothly? Great! Recruitify helps you understand why.

Rejection & Conversion

Understand why candidates are being rejected—whether by you, your client, or even the candidates themselves at different stages of the recruitment process. Recruitify gives you a clear view of your conversion funnel, offering insights into the reasons behind your outcomes.

Gain deeper insights into your recruitment conversions with Recruitify!


Recruitify is fully compliant with EU GDPR regulations, ensuring that your data is always secure and protected according to the highest standards. Our dedicated GDPR module goes beyond basic compliance by offering you advanced tools to manage candidate consents seamlessly. You can easily filter candidates based on their specific consents, keep track of consent expiration dates, and ensure that all recruitment activities are fully compliant with the law.

With Recruitify, you can confidently navigate the complexities of data privacy while focusing on what matters most - finding the right talent.
Detailed reports available in Recruitify give insight into each activity executed in the system by an individual user or the whole team. Our reports cover recruitment and sales activities. Sounds interesting? Get in touch with us and start with Recruitify.

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contact us contact@recruitify.ai or call us +48 601 335 335